Dr Stefania Milani is a medical expert in allergology and immunology based in Lombardy. Fill out the form or call the practice to find your anti-allergy treatment in Monza and Milan and finally solve the discomfort and inconvenience related to allergic syndromes.
It is not always easy to recognise an allergy and it is very important to treat the symptoms of this syndrome in the right way. For effective and definitive allergy treatment, rely on Dr Stefania Milani. The specialist professionally deals with the diagnosis and treatment of allergies of various kinds, remaining at the patient's side for every need. Tests for the diagnosis of drug allergies, allergometric tests and allergological investigations, tests for dust allergies and examinations for the detection of allergies to moulds, mites and pets are carried out at the Monza office.
Typical symptoms of a wide range of allergic disorders include:
itching, burning and teary eyes;
itching, runny and stuffy nose;
dry cough, shortness of breath, weight on the chest and whistling breath;
itching in the mouth, swelling of the lips and tongue;
papules on the skin, food dermatitis;
swollen belly, stomach ache;
diarrhoea and constipation;
chronic headaches.
Specialist tests such as patch tests and prick tests, which Dr Milani performs at her Monza practice, are needed to pinpoint the exact problem.
To find the most appropriate anti-allergy treatment in Monza and Milan, book a consultation with Dr Milani. The specialist is available by appointment after 5 pm at her office in Monza.
Call, send a fax or email us to make an appointment. The doctor assists patients from all over the provinces of Monza, Milan and Bergamo.
Cell.: +39 380 2698865
Tel.: +39 039 9156894
Fax: +30 039 9156894
VAT Reg No.
13022320157 |
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