Dr Milani Stefania specialises in the treatment of allergic diseases with respiratory symptoms, such as pollen and dust mite allergies. To request information or to book a consultation for the treatment and care of asthma in Monza and Milan, contact the office.
Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease consisting of a long-lasting inflammation of the airways and occurs in both children and adults. Recurrent dyspnoea, a feeling of chest tightness, wheezing and an annoying cough are the main symptoms of bronchial asthma, which needs to be diagnosed with state-of-the-art instruments in order to be treated. For this, rely on Dr Milani Stefania, who is able to make a correct diagnosis of all types of allergies using the latest techniques and protocols. Among the tests performed by the specialist are epicutaneous tests for inhalant allergens and PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow) spirometry, which measures respiratory capacity and identifies any problems; allergy tests to highlight individual sensitivities to environmental factors; bronchial provocation tests.
To treat asthma in Monza and Milan, contact Dr Milani, who will be able to offer you a personalised solution following a careful study of your symptoms.
Asthma can present itself as both daily symptoms and acute attacks. Corticosteroids are used for daily treatment, while beta2 agonists are used to treat acute episodes, which relieve bronchoconstriction.
Treatment may include oral drugs or injectable vials, but the most effective form is respiratory therapy.
Dr Milani Stefania is available at her practice in Monza. To request an appointment, email or call us.
Cell.: +39 380 2698865
Tel.: +39 039 9156894
Fax: +30 039 9156894
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