From classic pollen allergies to the rarer Raynaud's syndrome, every kind of allergic disorder can cause discomfort and inconvenience that can compromise normal daily activities. This is why it is necessary to rely only on true specialists for the correct diagnosis and treatment of allergic syndromes. If you are looking for an allergy specialist in Monza and Milan, turn to Dr Milani Stefania, who puts her extensive and ample experience at the service of patients with targeted and effective services.
Dr Milani Stefania is an allergy and immunology specialist. She receives in her office in Monza, Italy, by appointment only, to solve pathologies and problems such as pollen, food and nickel allergies.
You can also rely on the expert for the treatment of asthma, conjunctivitis, skin ulcers, Raynaud's syndrome and allergic dermatitis.
The allergy specialist in Monza has extensive and continuous experience in the field of allergology and immunology.
Her curriculum includes:
Degree in Medicine and Surgery in November 1994.
Professional qualification in spring 1995.
Specialisation in Allergology and Clinical Immunology in November 1999.
University Tutor in Medical Area, Allergology and Clinical Immunology in 1995-1999.
Various university scientific research collaborations with national and international research groups.
Director of General Medicine and head of Clinical Allergology at the Istituto Clinico S. Ambrogio in Milan from January 2000 to November 2005.
Responsible for the outpatient service of 3rd level of clinical allergology respiratory, food and pharmacological allergology at the S. Marco di Zingonia polyclinic in Osio Sotto, Bergamo, since November 2007.
The doctor specialises in:
Cell.: +39 380 2698865
Tel.: +39 039 9156894
Fax: +30 039 9156894
VAT Reg No.
13022320157 |
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