Equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment, Dr Milani Stefania's office performs allergy tests in Monza and Milan, offering patients the possibility to quickly identify any allergies and their treatment. Contact the expert to find out more or to book an effective diagnostic test.
Allergy tests are essential to establish a diagnosis and prescribe specific treatment according to the type of allergy detected. These are painless skin tests, which can be performed on adults and children. The allergens of the substances suspected of causing the reaction are applied in small amounts to a portion of the skin, e.g. on the inner forearm. If a reaction occurs in the form of a rash, papules or red patches, it is likely that the patient is allergic to the corresponding substance and a diagnosis and treatment can be pursued.
Allergy tests performed in Monza and Milan by Dr Milano include prick tests, patch tests, allergy tests and epicutaneous tests for inhalant, food and contact allergens.
One of the most popular allergy tests is the prick test, which is performed by applying a drop containing the allergen to the skin of the inner forearm.
After 30 minutes, the skin's response to the allergen can be observed.
If a pimple forms at the drop, an allergy to the substance can be diagnosed.
The patch test consists of applying discs containing small amounts of an allergen to the skin.
After 48 hours, the doctor will remove the patches and assess whether there has been any reaction, and to which type of allergen.
To make an appointment with the doctor, simply call the office or fill out the form in our
Contact section.
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